Turn On:
Traveling to new places
Reading books
Watching movies and TV shows
Engaging in physical activities such as sports, hiking, or yoga
Spending time with family and friends
Trying new restaurants and cuisines
Engaging in creative hobbies like painting, writing, or playing musical instruments
Turn Off:
Injustice and unfair treatment
Intolerance and discrimination
Feeling unappreciated or undervaluedDeception and betrayal
Feeling powerless or helpless
Inconvenience and inefficiency
Uncertainty and insecurity
Personnal Message:
Hi everyone, my name is Jenny, I'm 19 years old and I'm from France, my character can be described as kind-hearted, intellectually curious, and deeply passionate about making a difference in the world. I love spending my free time immersed in creative hobbies like painting and writing. I find solace and happiness in pursuing my creative passions and embracing the rich tapestry of flavors that the world has to offer. These interests not only bring me personal fulfillment but also allow me to connect with others and cultivate meaningful experiences.