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Young women
DalilaQueen profile picture
I have always considered myself a heterosexual woman but sometimes I have thought about leaving the door open to other possibilities, sometimes thoughts come to my mind about what it would be like to be with a woman. Will I like it? Could I stand it?
Eye Color:
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Body Type:
Turn Ons:
I consider myself a very visual woman, the looks, the gestures, seeing my partner of the moment totally erect and with that look that tells me that it will be a very hot moment, it seems super hot to me. I love that they talk dirty in my ear while to
Turn Offs:
I believe that I am a great woman who deserves a great man who loves me, respects me and values ​​me. I'm not turned on by a rude man who seeks only his pleasure and doesn't worry about making me feel like I'm the only woman in the world. Warm me up,
Favorite Position:
I have many favorite positions, but my favorites are generally the ones that allow me to be in control of the moment. I love being a woman who breaks her horse.
I love bald men with somewhat hairy chests. I am also turned on by a man who exercises and has defined abs, strong arms and big hands that can hug me and feel totally protected. I love and am turned on by a man with a deep look and a sensual voice.
Personnal Message:None
I am a beautiful Latin girl, lover of music, dance and folklore. I consider myself a charismatic woman, a dreamer and with great goals to achieve in my life. Personally, I am a calm, affectionate woman, somewhat flirtatious and very hot with my partner. (Im single in this moment). If you want to know more about me, don't miss the opportunity, ask me everything you want to know about me and I will try to be completely transparent with you.
webcam model DalilaQueen from XloveCam
webcam model DalilaQueen from XloveCam
webcam model DalilaQueen from XloveCam
webcam model DalilaQueen from XloveCam
webcam model DalilaQueen from XloveCam
webcam model DalilaQueen from XloveCam
webcam model DalilaQueen from XloveCam
webcam model DalilaQueen from XloveCam
webcam model DalilaQueen from XloveCam
webcam model DalilaQueen from XloveCam
webcam model DalilaQueen from XloveCam
Imagas courtesy of XloveCam under affiliate agreement
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Tags:Age: 18-19Ethnicity: blackEyes color: hazelHair color: blackHeight: 160-164 cm / 5 ft 3 in - 5 ft 5 inWeight: 60-64 kg / 132-141 lbs
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