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Model is in:
I like attentive men who like to have fun and be naughty. I like tender, reserved women with pretty faces, I enjoy having them with me without being shy.
Eye Color:
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Turn Ons:
I love pleasure in all its variants, I love practicing and learning new ways to enjoy, I firmly believe that I can find new ways to give pleasure to my body, and I am willing to explore, I like it much more when you show me what I should do...
Turn Offs:
I don't like it when you talk to me abruptly or rudely if I don't allow it, doing dirty shows doesn't excite me.
Favorite Position:
Being on my knees looking into your eyes, feeling your body under my legs while I ride you, seeing how we give ourselves pleasure simultaneously.
Have you ever been intimate with someone without having to take off a single piece of clothing? Living that feeling of doing something without raising too many suspicions, of being prepared in case someone approaches you, you have to stop suddenly and jus
Personnal Message:None
Hello, it is a pleasure to introduce myself, my name is Lana Rosel, the woman you saw in my photos is the woman I always am, with a determined look, full of charisma and empathy. I care about people as much as I care about myself, and I will always try to provide exceptional treatment, I believe a lot in destiny, but not in coincidences, everything that is meant to be will always happen, my intuition is always my ally, I know who I am, what I desire, and how far I want and can go
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
webcam model LanaRosel from XloveCam
Imagas courtesy of XloveCam under affiliate agreement
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Tags:Age: 25-29Ethnicity: hispanic/latinEyes color: chestnutHair color: blackHeight: 150-154 cm / 4 ft 11 in - 5 ft 1 inWeight: 70-74 kg / 154-163 lbs
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