based on 0 votes
Fetish female
MissKhloe profile picture
Eye Color:
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Turn Ons:
sexy men
Turn Offs:
slave who did not obey and which are jerks
Favorite Position:
i love to see my slave getting it in doggy
My strap on is one of my favorite toys and I like
Personnal Message:fr
Je suis Khloe, je demande toujours respect et je vais punir tous les hommes qui ne me traitent pas comme je merite :). J adore avoir le control total et les hommes qui aiment etre dommines par une maitresse tres belle et seductrice me rendent folle. BlondePanther: Donc si tu veux me voir m enfoncer mes longs ongles dans ton dos, fumer d'une facon tres seduissante, te faire exploser de plaisir, je t invite a me rejoindre...Tu ne vas pas regretter.
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
webcam model MissKhloe from XloveCam
Imagas courtesy of XloveCam under affiliate agreement
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Tags:Age: 25-29Ethnicity: white/caucasianEyes color: greenHair color: chestnutHeight: 170-174 cm / 5 ft 7 in - 5 ft 9 inWeight: 55-59 kg / 121-130 lbs
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