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Fetish female
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I love it when you pay to have your addiction fed... Now get on your knees and beg for my time. I want to fuck your brain and take all your hard-worked money..
Personnal Message:None
"...If a sub is to $erve his Mistress, then to have a woman to worship who looks SO UNATTAINABLE it only heightens the sense of inadequacy..." Hello subs... I am Mistress Devina Daemon, the Goddess from your deepest fantasies, the Superior woman you always secretly craved to submit to.. Your dream is about to come true, because I am here to TAKE OVER YOUR "DICK", BRAIN, FINANCES, LIFE :) I want to see you on your knees, begging for my attention.. begging to worship me.. begging to be used.. I will evaluate you, find all your weaknesses and use them to turn you into my pup, my toy, my atm.. You will be lead and trained. To pleasure. Me. You will be rewarded. But only after you work very hard. Only after you prove yourself worthy. And only if I feel like it.. lol
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webcam model MistressDaemon from XloveCam
webcam model MistressDaemon from XloveCam
webcam model MistressDaemon from XloveCam
Imagas courtesy of XloveCam under affiliate agreement
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Tags:Age: 35-39
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