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Me encantan los hombre con una clara conviccion de lo que quieren y como conseguirlo , me encanta que sean determinados y dominantes , que con su mirada y sus gestos logren producir emociones en mi
Turn Offs:
Rude or boring people
My fetishes are an expression of the complexity and diversity of human desire, where pleasure is found in the nuances and details that often go unnoticed. I explore these inclinations with a deep appreciation for consent, respect, and communication, recog
Personnal Message:None
I am a woman who knows and accepts herself in all her complexity. Every step I take is a declaration of my power and confidence. My sensuality is not limited to the physical, but flows from within me, transforming every gesture, look and word into an expression of my freedom and desire. I don't settle for the ordinary, I look for the extraordinary and surround myself with what awakens my passion. My presence does not go unnoticed, because I emanate a magnetic energy that attracts and captivates, effortlessly, simply being who I am. My strength is not only mental, but also emotional and physical: a woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to go after it. I delight in the beauty of life, in the experiences that feed my senses, and in the authentic connections that allow me to enjoy the power of vulnerability and intensity.
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
webcam model MyliTaylor from XloveCam
Imagas courtesy of XloveCam under affiliate agreement
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Tags:Age: 45-49Ethnicity: blackEyes color: chestnutHair color: blackHeight: 155-159 cm / 5 ft 1 in - 5 ft 3 inWeight: 65-69 kg / 143-152 lbs
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